Detective's Train Compartment (cozy)

A stylized 3D environment of a vintage train compartment that was modeled in Blender, textured with substance painter and photoshop and compiled real-time within unreal. Used a mix of ray tracing and dynamic lighting. Please contact if you have questions.

A cozy stylized environment optimized for real time rendering. Every image within this post is a real time screenshot.

A cozy stylized environment optimized for real time rendering. Every image within this post is a real time screenshot.

Modeled, textured , compiled and lit single handedly within the span of two weeks.

Modeled, textured , compiled and lit single handedly within the span of two weeks.

Here is a detail lighting view of the environment to show understanding of colour theory, placement and light.

Here is a detail lighting view of the environment to show understanding of colour theory, placement and light.

Detailed with detective props modeled within Blender.

Detailed with detective props modeled within Blender.

Hard-surface modeling done within Blender.

Hard-surface modeling done within Blender.

Optimized and polished low poly wireframe.

Optimized and polished low poly wireframe.